USA 2011

2011 was a busy year for me as I travelled to the USA for three trip with Opticron. I attended three Bird Festivals, the San Diego Bird Festival in March, The Midwest Birding Symposium in September and finished the year in Texas in November at The Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. These are some of the images that I got whilst attending those three events

image Click picture for close up

Cape May Warbler


Cape May Warbler


Cape May Warbler

Great Egret


American Redstart


American Redstart

American Goldfinch


American Goldfinch


Northern Cardinal

Nashville Warbler


Nashville Warbler


Black-throated Green Warbler

Anna's Hummingbird


Anna's Hummingbird


Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird


Anna's Hummingbird


Anna's Hummingbird

American Crow


Brown Pelican


Brewers Blackbird

Black-crowned Night Heron


American Coot


Snowy Egret

Mourning Dove


Black Phoebe


Black Phoebe

House Finch


Savannah Sparrow


Savannah Sparrow

Ring-billed Gull


California Gull


Western Gull

Western Gull


Western Gull


California Gull

Ring-billed Gull


Song Sparrow


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Cassins Kingbird


White-crowned Sparrow


Black-throated Sparrow

California Quail


Black-chinned Hummingbird


